Where Should My Focus Be, On The Past, Present Or Future?
You’ll need to reference all three when marketing your small business. A good percentage of focus for each one is 5, 75 and 20. Here’s why:
The past 5% – Refer to the past to reference the “learning experiences” you’ve had. Here’s a tip: When you have something happen to you and think it didn’t go well, take the time to review what you could have done differently……and what you would have done differently if you had it to do over again. Think that through a couple of times and make the not-so-good situation a learning experience. Now when you come to a similar situation in the future your brain will reference your leaning experience from last time and help you through your decision. Referencing an old learning experience should only require 5% of your focus. The more learning experiences you make the less “reference time” you will need in the future.
The Present 75% – The present is where most of the action is, the results you are looking for now. If you have a small business and you represent 33% to 100% of the staff, you can rest assured you will need all of this 75% to hit your goals. Your future 20% is guiding you through the present but the present is what is paying the bills and building for the future.
The Future 20% – If you don’t know where you’re small business is going, chances are you won’t get there. Have a business plan for where you’re going so you know what it looks like and feels like as you get closer to it. If you spend too much time planning and not enough time in the present doing, your business will go down and you’ll be the most future focused broke business person out there!
Where do people usually get all caught up and lose their focus? Usually it’s on the past. They get so focused on their past so-called failures or misfortunes that they end up reliving them over and over again. Why? Because they aren’t paying enough attention and energy to the present and the future. Keep your percentages, your focus and your passion in the right areas and you’ll reach new heights! Make it happen!