What Can You Learn About Super Bowl Ads For Your Company?
Most small businesses will probably not ever be able to afford a Super Bowl ad but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from them. If you like watching the ads there are a few fundamentals that each as possesses:
• Your spot must get people’s attention.
• Your ad must give people something to talk about with their friends and business associates, it must be memorable.
• You must put your web site address in the ad and better yet, give people the “rest of the ad” or another benefit to going to your website.
• Make an emotional connection between your company and the ads audience.
• Put your ad on YouTube so people can find it and share it with their friends.
The companies buying super bowl ads can afford to do some “branding or experimenting” with their ads. Even if people think the ads are stupid, they still get talked about and that’s the plan. With over 95 million people watching and talking about your ad, whether they liked it or not, you’re bound to get some benefit from that.
Now for the rest of us…..Make sure the advertising you do with your company is relevant and tells people what they benefits are of doing business with you. When you can buy a super bowl ad you can experiment but when you’re spending your own personal money on advertising, its got to work the first time around. Make it happen!