Does Your Company Need A Blog?
Thinking about starting a company blog? How do you know if that blog will be worth your efforts? Business blogs do not serve up the same content or meet the same purpose as a personal blog. A company blog is not going to post photos of what everyone ate for lunch today or recap the last meeting. (It won’t diverge into personal topics such as what employees did on the weekend or the latest book they read, either). Business blogs need to have very specific intentions. They need to create regular, fresh content to invite search engines to regularly “crawl” your website, content that attracts other websites to link to your website, publish problem solving content potential clients are searching for, and finally, to start the line of communication from customer to company.
What this means is that a business blog has its own definition: a method of posting relevant content on your website that attracts clients in a way that is easy to manage. Many businesses start their blogs with the right intentions, but end up taking the wrong road. News and press releases can be important to keep the public informed about what the company is doing. But if that is all they post, the blog is not serving the purpose it should. When potential customers want to solve an issue, all the news in the world is not going to help them. They need to find content to solve their problem (or convince them they should work with you to solve their problem). If they don’t, they will stop visiting your blog.
So what type of company needs a blog? The answer is almost every type of business can benefit from a blog if the blog is purposed correctly. If you are a hair salon, post photos of easy to do hairstyles or instructions for at-home moisturizing treatments. If you own a veterinarian’s office, post tips on how to keep your pet from getting flees, what foods may be dangerous for dogs, etc. If you are a clothing retailer, write about how to wear one of the newest trends and highlight a product you have in that category. You get the idea. It also helps to enable comments from the public so that potential clients can post questions or give feedback—this will get the communication flowing. Make your content relevant and problem-solving and the marketing will stem naturally from that. Make it happen!